She Waits Series: Harry Potter Pairing: Draco/Hermione Rating: G Word Count: 100 Challenge: written for the November 2010 challenge at dmhgchallenge Keyword: waiting Summary: ( Hermione waits for his reaction )
Another one that I lost sleep on, but it was very much worth it :)
Six Feet and Slipping ended up being Runner-Up in the Best Angst category for Phase 2. I'm absolutely over the moon! Thank you to all the voters. It's such an honour.
Another amazing round with so many good drabbles. It was seriously hard to vote in. I can't believe I placed this time, but thank you all the same to everyone who voted and congratulations to the other winners!
A huge thank you must be given to muse_misery, who took pity on a desperate newbie who was scrambling to find someone willing to do a one-day turnaround beta.
EDIT 2010-10-21: Thank you so, so much. They're beautiful!